Sandy Louey attends Knight workshop

AAJA Secretary Sandy LoueySandy Louey, an afternoon online general assignment reporter at The Sacramento Bee, was one of 20 people selected for a fellowship to attend the Knight Digital Media Center’s Technology Tools Workshop at the University of California at Berkeley.
During the 3 1/2 day workshop, which took place Dec. 16-19, participants received training on Web 2.0 technologies and tools that were relevant to covering breaking news stories.
Louey, an AAJA Sacramento member, is a former Sacramento chapter president, national board member, and AAJA National and Bay Area scholarship winner.

AAJA-Sports Journalism Institute Internship – Deadline Extended

AAJA has received a limited number of applications for the AAJA-Sports Journalism Institute Internship. As a result, we have extended the deadline an extra week to this Friday, Dec. 12. 

Please help us get the word out to your student members who are college sophomores and juniors during spring 2009. This is a rare opportunity to learn about sports coverage and experience it through a paid internship with a daily newspaper in their local area. 

For application, please visit here.

2009 Board Members

Congratulations to the 2009 AAJA Sacramento board and thanks to everyone who voted. Members will serve one calendar year.

President: Judy Lin, Reporter, The Associated Press

Vice-President for Broacast: Anny Hong, Reporter/Anchor, CBS13/CW31

Vice-President for Print: Edward de la Fuente, Sports Copy Desk Chief, The Sacramento Bee

Secretary: Sandy Louey, Reporter, The Sacramento Bee

Treasurer: Susie Wong, Director of Special Projects, Cal EPA

Board members: 

Lonnie Wong, Reporter, Fox40

Pamela Wu, Anchor/Reporter, KCRA3/My58

UC Davis Writing Classes

UC Davis Extension offers a variety of writing classes to keep your brain sharp. Check out some of the 2009 classes:

Winter 2009 courses in Creative Writing and Nonfiction Writing 

Nonfiction Writing Workshop 

·         8 meetings.

·         Jan. 5-March 9: Mon., 6:30-9 p.m. (No meeting Jan. 19 or Feb. 16.)

·         Sacramento: Sutter Square Galleria, 2901 K St.

·         $305 ($325 if postmarked after 12/22/2008). Enroll in section 083WRT134.

·         Special discounts: Groups.


Reading Contemporary Fiction as a Writer 

·         8 meetings.

·         Jan. 15-March 5: Thurs., 6-9 p.m.

·         Sacramento: Sutter Square Galleria, 2901 K St.

·         $325 ($345 if postmarked after 01/01/2009). Enroll in section 083WRT147.

·         Special discounts: Groups.


Point of View

·         4 meetings.

·         Jan. 14-Feb. 4: Wed., 6:30-9 p.m.

·         Sacramento: Sutter Square Galleria, 2901 K St.

·         $275 ($295 if postmarked after 12/31/2008). Enroll in section 083WRT146.

·         Special discounts: Groups.

Advanced Fiction: Writer’s Craft Workshop

·         8 meetings.

·         Jan. 15-March 5: Thurs., 6-9 p.m.

·         Sacramento: Sutter Square Galleria, 2901 K St.

·         $325 ($345 if postmarked after 01/01/2009). Enroll in section 083WRT142.

·         Special discounts: Groups.

Enhancing Writing Skills for Nonfiction Writers

·         8 meetings.

·         Jan. 21-March 11: Wed., 6:30-9 p.m.

·         Sacramento: Sutter Square Galleria, 2901 K St.

·         $305 ($325 if postmarked after 01/07/2009). Enroll in section 083WRT131.

·         Special discounts: Groups.

Research and Interviewing Techniques for Nonfiction Writers

·         8 meetings.

·         Jan. 21-March 11: Wed., 6-8:30 p.m.

·         Sacramento: Sutter Square Galleria, 2901 K St.

·         $305 ($325 if postmarked after 01/07/2009). Enroll in section 083WRT133.

·         Special discounts: Groups.

Also of interest…


Move Your Writing from Dream to Story

·         8 meetings.

·         Enroll by Jan. 13 and complete by March 3.

·         Lectures and writing assignments will be posted to the listserv every Tuesday. You must provide your email address when enrolling to be added to the listserv.

·         Technical requirements: A current email account.

·         $225 ($245 if postmarked after 12/30/2008). Enroll in section 083WRD121.

·         Special discounts: Groups.


Boston Globe Summer Internship

This is a message to our student members from Paula Bouknight about the Boston Globe’s summer internship program:

The Globe started its program more than 50 years ago. Through the years, it has continued to be a challenging and rewarding program for those invited to participate. The 12-week program gives young journalists a chance to work for a major metropolitan paper, covering a variety of stories in our Metro, Business, Living/Arts, Health/Science and Sports sections, as well as shooting photos and video, designing section fronts and creating graphics for print and online, and copy editing. While we provide guidance, direction, and editing to the interns, as well as offer another layer of feedback with a writing coach dedicated to the interns, we expect them to work nearly at the level of a beginning reporter. This means our interns produce great work and finely polish their journalism skills every day.

In 2005, The Wall Street Journal published “America’s A-List of Internships,” and the Boston Globe was the only newspaper included on it. To make the final list, the Journal said “internship programs had to receive multiple recommendations from employers” and “stand out from competing programs.”

So, if any student in your chapter is seeking a summer internship next year, please consider our program.
A fuller description of the program as well as an application can also be downloaded from our Web site.

Paula Bouknight
The Boston Globe
AME/Hiring & Development
Tel: 617-929-3120
Fax: 617-929-2018